“When COVID Hit,
the World Stopped”

A research-based animation & discussion guide


Developed as a part of the “Youth Lens” project by Cleveland YPAR (Youth Participatory Action Research), this animated video and corresponding discussion guide were created as tools for a rich conversation around mental health and COVID-19. Informed by youth, the video focuses on the challenges faced by young people while navigating the COVID-19 global pandemic. However, as the video suggests, both adults and youth are invited to come together to discuss how they can best support each other in these extraordinary times.

Making the Most of This Video & Discussion Guide

1. Introduce the topic - Ensure that participants (both youth and adults alike) understand what’s meant by “mental health” and why it’s important.

2. Play the video - Play the video found at yparcleveland.com/youth-lens. If streaming the video, be sure to have adequate internet access.

3. Engage in discussion - Use the following topics to guide a rich conversation around mental health and COVID-19. Invite both youth and adults to participate.

Watch here.

For Discussion:

Part 1 — Initial Reaction

1. What comes up for you when you watch this?

2. How does this make you feel?

3. Is there a part that stood out to you?

4. Is there a part you relate to the most?

Part 2 — Acknowledging Past Experiences

1. You experienced over two years of having an out-of-the-ordinary experience (with changes in school, work, social life, etc.). What was that like for you?

2. What changed for you as a result of the pandemic?

For Discussion (Continued):

Part 3 — Checking In: How are you now?

1. How are you feeling now?

2. Do you still feel some of the same concerns you once had?

Part 4 — Building Support

1. What do you need now?

2. Do you need support? If so, what kind of support?

3. What supports do you think others (your child, your parents, students, etc.) are in need of?

4. What can we do about it? What can we do better together? How can we support each other?